CLARKE – Lindsay
Passed away on Thursday, June 10, 2021.
Will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
At Rest
Funeral Notice
To view the live stream, please click here.
To Sam, Tim, Tommy, Sienna and baby Mikey, we are so sorry for the loss of your dad, father-in-law and pa. Lindsay was a very special man with a heart of gold who stood up when he was needed most. He will be greatly missed. Treasure your memories.
June 12, 2021
If we could take away your pain we would.
Love Mum and Dad, Judy and Jim, Nanna and Pop.To dear Doreen Varee James Kim Sam and families our deepest sympathies for loss of Lindsay He was caring funny neighbour who will be missed ours are memories to keep
June 12, 2021
Love from Patsy and Richard Mee
RIP LindsayCondolences to Lindsay’s family ….Our duck hunting weekends and times around the camp fire will never be the same with out you mate, lots of great memories cheers Mert.
June 14, 2021RIP my duck me and addi are gonna miss you so much. Thursday and Friday really is going to be the hardest for all of us and I’m still not coping! Me addi, Tay, Lindsay, Mum, everyone misses you so much! Goodbye Pa 😭🥺💔
June 15, 2021Fond Memories of my first born Nephew and God Child.
June 15, 2021
Always a cheeky grin and a twinkle in his eye.
Love Auntie Jean.
Loved Big cousin and nephew of Jean and Stan, Jackie and Duncan, Gill and Nev, Richard and Maryann, Trish and Des and Families
Forever remembered fondly.To the whole family of Lindsay.
June 15, 2021
We are sorry to hear of the loss of a wonderful man, farther and pa may he live on in all of your hearts and treasured memories
We send our love and comfort to you all
Love and hugs always
Theo & Stacey xxDad
Where do I even start?
I’m still in absolute shock that I am needing to write this and I’m never going to be able to tell or show u how truly great full and proud I am to call you my dad
All I have now is memories
memories of all the trip and holidays and great life we shared.The very first and last time you smacked me for opening the car door doing 100k on our way to see the penguins.. You made me sit in the car and not join the rest of the kids…You were always a fun loving dad while we were growing up even when we were taken from u we still had were still our dad and that will never change …you still stood up and took us kids on like your own..sleep overs at urs few beers in the shed with Burnie, patsy Richard and the crew…and dancing with you at the Xmas parties when you were working with telecom
Fishing trips with uncle Neil and Aunty gena at glen Maggie (that’s where you taught me to tie my shoelaces :)) when Jen use to pull on your line under the bank and you would jump ten foot thinking you got a big one.telling James he couldn’t take the carp home to put in the small fish tank omg u broke my brothers heart that day.Our last Xmas in Churchill when you got me my ice cream doll..oh boy that was the best gift ever .I can remember your white food pulling up at 7 am every weekday so mum could take u too work so we could have a car to get to school we would pick u up and always stop into Mary st milk bar and there was never a time that u wouldn’t get us a lollie drink or icy pole.. you would always say u were broke and tell us money didnt grow on trees but u never let us go without, even if we didn’t need it.
June 17, 2021
When mum kicked me out of home as a teenager and u opened ur arms and took me in they were good times.the time I cleaned your spare room and lost your good pair of jeans. That was over 25 years ago but oh Man U were still complaining about that not long ago.
Each time I was pregnant you would save me your flat coke..( that was my craving). You were so proud to become a pa and loved, spoilt and guided all your grandchildren the same way you did with us..They too are going to miss you and we will be proud to continue telling them how much of a perfect dad and pa you really
All of these are now just memories of a good life you gave us.yes you were a grumpy old man at times and yes u made me cry with some things u said in the past but hey if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be the woman I am today!! Thankyou Dad for helping shape and guide me into who I have become today.
We took so much for granted dad we thought u would be here forever to guide us through life even just for that little bit longer although you were so scared we still thought u would be ok having this operation.U were always our family back bone you always kept our family together when you could of walked so long ago and so so many times but you stuck around to guide and love us kids…
I really don’t know what to say dad I’m gutterd, heartbroken totally speechless all I can say dad is I love you forever I love and appreciate you more than myin biological father because u were always there no matter wat and that is exactly wat makes me proud to call u my dad.
So thankyou for the memories, the good times and laughs.
Loved but never forgotten Varree and kids xxGoing to miss you Uncle Linds’.
June 18, 2021aww Dad I’m going to miss your calls. I’m going to miss hearing….hey bub its just dad. You were never JUST DAD. You we many many things. You always managed to make me laugh and feel loved. I will always be thankful that you were more than JUST DAD. You will always for ever be in our hearts and memories.
love Jen, Wayne and girls.
June 18, 2021Uncle Lindsay
June 18, 2021
What a legend of a man. You cared for everyone that was part of your life. You looked out for everyone more than yourself. I’m so proud to call you my Uncle and friend. I loved every time you rang home and always checked in just checking in on everyone before yourself. A fishing trip with you and Uncle Rod meant the world to me. Coming to watch footy Grand Finals and any time I had my name or photo in the paper showed how much you cared.
We will miss you dearly but you will never be forgotten.
Lots of love
Nephew Lee Clarke, Terri, Lola and Allie