WILLIAMS, (Kleeven) Pietertge (Pia) (née Dol )

Born on June 15, 1933. Passed away December 12, 2022.

Passed away at Narracan Gardens, Newborough on Monday, December 12, 2022.

Mother of 6, stepmother of 4.

Grandmother and great grandmother.

Rest In Peace

Funeral Notice
Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel 6 Ollerton Ave, MoeView Map
The Funeral Service of Mrs Pia Williams will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6 Ollerton Avenue, Moe on Thursday, December 22, 2022, commencing at 10.30am.

Following the service, the funeral will leave for the Moe Cemetery.
  1. To a very dear friend Pia. Lots of love your friends from 40 years ago. Robyn and Lorraine. God grant you’ve the serenity to accept You cannot change courage to change the things you cannot change courage to change the things I can an the wisdom to know the difference . RIP a woman of courage and strength. RIP 💞🌹

    Lorraine December 22, 2022
  2. Dear Pia. What a beautiful caring and supportive friend you were. I thank you so much for your friendship and have very fond memories. RIP

    Christine Gawith December 23, 2022